
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Big Girl

I'm sorry I haven't posted any short stories for my characters yet. I am writing them but I might be a bit too crazy with editing. I constantly edit before I send work out. Anyway, here's another short that I wrote, which has nothing to do with the characters of my story. I hope you enjoy it!

Sultan M Ali    

Big Girl
     “Ow,” Joe yelled.  “Lady, you almost took my eye out,” he said while rubbing it
     “You mean your eye almost took my umbrella out,” Lacey yelled back at Joe.  “Why don’t you watch where you’re bumping your face,” she continued.
     “Are you serious?  Am I on some Punk’d show?  Do you really believe you don’t at least owe me an apology,” Joe asked.
     “An apology?  You’re lucky I don’t see you in court.  Do you know…never mind, I’m sure that you don’t.  This is an Oscar de la Renta, one of ten in existence, four hundred dollar umbrella,” Lacey said with her nose held high and her eyes fixed on Joe as she anticipated a look of surprise and admiration at her four hundred dollar, Oscar de la Renta, one of ten in existence umbrella.
     “Sorry to disappoint you lady but I’m really not impressed.  It’s going to cost at least that much to have my eye looked at.  It’s not even raining, put that thing away,” Joe said while pointing at her umbrella.  “You’re crazy as bat shit; you shouldn’t be on the streets,” he went on to say as he stepped away to continue on to his appointment.  Before he turned away he watched the lady caress her umbrella and he heard her call it Sweetie.
     Joe entered the door of a nearby building and buzzed 10G, “Big Girl,” he spoke into the intercom in response to the person on the other end.  The buzzer went off and Joe made his way up the stairs.  He had explicit instructions to avoid the elevators. 
     He got to the tenth floor and found 10G.  The door was slightly ajar.  Joe looked in and the place was a mess.  He stepped in and saw that it wasn’t dirty, it was just messy.  There were newspaper sheets strewn about the apartment.  He attempted to introduce himself, “Hey, my name...,” he began.
     “No names,” shouted the anonymous man at the other end of the room.  “At least no real names.  What do you want to be called?  Something you’ve never used before and you never intend on using again.  Like me, today, I’m Big Girl because that’s what I call my weapon.”
     “For real?  You’re Big Girl,” Joe asked with a smile as he scoped this man of five feet six inches.  He must’ve weighed around 135-140 pounds Joe thought.
     “Look, I don’t have any time for your antics.  You’re here to learn.  Where’s your instrument?”
     “I don’t have one.  I was told not to bring one; that I would use yours,” Joe said.
     “That damn Scarpa, always pinching a penny,” Big Girl seethed. “Fine, come over here and get to know her.”  Big Girl began to unzip a black canvas case that seemed to be holding an anaconda, “Let me teach you about her.”
     Joe was fascinated by the gleams and sharp edges of the large rifle. “She’s beautiful.  She’s just what any man would dream of.  She’s…,”
     “My Big Girl,” Big Girl intervened.  “I hear you can really handle small hand-helds.”
     “Well, I don’t like to br…,” Joe began.
     “They’re bullshit in this business.  We specialize in picking motherfuckers off at any range with high caliber bitches like Big Girl.  Now show me what you got,” Big Girl demanded.
     Joe cradled Big Girl, the gun, in his arms and took a good look at her.  “First thing’s first new guy.  What’s your name,” Big Girl asked.
     “You can call me...De la Renta,” Joe said with a smile.
     “Yeah, whatever.  Anyway ‘De la Renta’, unsnap that folding stock if you want to see Big Girl in her full splendor then tell me what’s next.”
     “I’m going to need a bipod.  Do you have one in your case,” Joe asked.
     “Very good, yeah, I have one.  Find it and fasten it.  After that, lock on your day scope.  Lock on the suppressor and make sure you don’t insert the magazine until we’re ready for Big Girl to do what she does best.  We don’t want some rookie mistake and someone’s eye coming out,” Big Girl said.
     “I like this.  It feels better than a 9mml, I’ll tell you that much,” Joe said.
     “Yeah, these babies keep you out of shootouts.  You’re a god when you strike this lightning from a distance.  It’s like my father always says, ‘work smart, not hard’,” Big Girl said.  “You seem to know the parts of a rifle well enough.  Do you think we can graduate you to picking off some of these ants,” Big Girl asked.
     “Just point me to the window,” Joe said willingly.
     “All right, first let’s find your target.  Do you see anyone in particular?”
     “No, no one in particular.”
     “How about the geezer in the wheelchair?  He’s easily on his last leg.  You’d be doing him a favor.  Maybe that cab driver; nah, too cliché.  Check out that guy screaming at his girlfriend.  Shoot her.  Give him something to cry about,” Big Girl said.
     Just then, Joe saw his target.  If he never believed in karma, today was a day of awakening.  He couldn’t believe his luck, “No, no, no.  I have the perfect target,” he said as he set his scope on a twenty-something, high-class woman standing near a department store window, twirling her four hundred dollar, Oscar de la Renta, one of ten in existence umbrellas in the sun.
     “You evil son of a bitch!  You’re gonna pop that sexy thing right through her umbrella?  I like it.  Let’s make it happen,” Big Girl said with a bit too much glee.  “First, insert the magazine.  Next, get your cheek adjusted to the cheek piece, which will allow you to keep a steady sight through your scope.  Do you know what the suppressor is for?”  Big Girl asked.
     “Of course, it’s to silence the shot,” Joe responded.
     “Yeah, but it also suppresses the bright flare when Big Girl whispers to these ants.  Muffling the sound and the flare of a shot is the number one rule in helping to keep a sniper hidden and effective.  Once you lose that edge, you may as well have a 9mml because you’ve placed yourself in the middle of the gunfight.  Now, position your scope on your target, relax, feel the shot and let’er rip when you feel comfortable,” he said.
     When Joe pulled the trigger, it felt as if he had to put all of his weight behind it.  The bullet exited the suppressor without so much as a pfft.  Big Girl, the gun, spit the bullet out like a loose tooth.  When it hit its target, the high-class woman on the street screamed to the top of her lungs, “Ahh!  My Sweetie!  Someone shot my Sweetie!”  Then she watched, sobbing, as her four hundred dollar, one of ten in existence, Oscar de la Renta umbrella broke into two pieces.
     Joe said with complete elation, “My eye feels a whole lot better now!”

Friday, April 29, 2011

Random writing until the first character short

Love is?
     At this moment, nothing mattered to him aside of the task that lay ahead.  This was all very new to him and he had to perform particularly well or she would never respect him.  He woke up this morning with his sheets and pillows saturated with sweat.  He walked to the full length mirror that stood against the wall across from his bed and gave himself a pep talk, “You have to show her that this is the one thing that you can do.  She has to know that you’re worth something.”  He never thought that he would reach this level of intimacy with her at such a young time in their relationship but his brother had done it young so why shouldn’t he?    
     Although he had hours to carry this out, he kept remembering this had to happen before his mother and father returned home from work.  He moved about his house frenzied.  He placed flowers and a handwritten note into the crook of the teddy bear’s folded arms that he bought for her yesterday. 
     Anxiety had found an easy home in him.  He smelled of dank sweat and fear.  He sat in the chair at the dining room table naked and sweating.  His knees bounced frantically to a rhythm played out by the butterflies in his stomach.  He ignored the clock on the wall and periodically checked his arm for the watch that was not there.  His current feelings were pitted against his religious beliefs of what constitutes a sin.  At times he paced back and forth at the front door as he waited for the knock that would alleviate this built up tension that seemed to be devouring him.  His muscles felt shaky and weak and tense all at once.  Where is she?  He screamed in his head.  Panic began to speak in riddles to him.  He felt his senses leaving and wondered if this date would even happen.  Then he heard it, that glorious, gentle knock at the door.  He ran to the peep-hole and felt his heart pounding like a rhino trapped in a Volkswagen.
“Gimme one second,” he yelled as he ran to his room to retrieve the teddy bear and his supply bag.  He put the teddy bear on the floor and reached into his supply bag and withdrew a nickel-plated .25 caliber pistol then unlatched the safety.
     He unlocked the door, took a few steps back and pressed the nozzle of the pistol to his temple.  “Come on in,” he yelled.  He could hear his beads of sweat hitting the floor like buck shots. When she opened the door she was staggered by the smell.  Then she screamed when she saw him standing there naked and sweaty and ready for suicide.
“If I can’t have you then I don’t want to live without you,” were his final words.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nistla of Salem's Cast of Characters

Allow me to provide a very brief introduction of the main characters from Nistla of Salem: Journey of a Teenage Witch:
  1. Nistla Yoruba - Young Teen / Witch
  2. Ramey Aswel - Preteen / Warlock
  3. Orisha Ali - Young Teen / Witch
  4. Sandra Worthy - Elder Teen / Witch
  5. Maverick Kingsly - Eldest Teen / Warlock
  6. Licari Ali - Preteen / Warlock
  7. Esmarelda Yoruba - Elder Teen / Witch
  8. Kim Kingsly - Young Teen / Witch
  9. Noah - Lead Good Strigon (Beastly, Shape Shifting Vampire)
  10. Mauler - Lead Bad Strigon (Beastly, Shape Shifting Vampire)

Soon, I will post my first short story.  A character will be chosen at random, no order of importance will be indicated in my choice. So sit back and enjoy!

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